Monday, March 26, 2012

Fundraiser! Support NOF!

Hey bloggies, happy Monday! Spring is finally here and we have come up with four new spring designs for you to wear in this amazing weather!

AND starting today, 30 % of the proceeds are going straight to Virginia Tech's Nicaraguan Orphan Fund.

As most of you already know, I, along with 40 other students from Virginia Tech, spent our spring break in Nicaragua hanging out in an orphanage called Nueva Vida, which is a hurricane refugee camp. The families and kids that we have come to love so much live in extreme poverty, as Nicaragua is the second poorest country on the Western Hemisphere. Out of 5.1 million people, 2.3 million live in poverty, where two small meals of rice and beans are standard and nearly half the country has no access to drinking water. But these kids became our lifelong friends--and we want to help them out in any way possible. So we need your help!

Please e-mail us at if you are interested in any of the four headbands pictured above. And don't forget we also make custom design headbands! 

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Nicaragua! The first picture was taken after I reunited with my 9 year old friend Selena. This was my third time getting to hang out with her and she has become one of my closest friends. She is so full of joy and the CUTEST child I know.....(but i might be bias...) 

our group! photos courtesy of Sarah Huffman

We are so excited about this! Can't wait to hear from you.

christie and lauren

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

we're back!

hello. everyone.

it seems as though that we have been a little....dead.... for the past few weeks. we weren't! lots and lots and lots has happened. well first we have been buried in school work. i (lauren) had to design a kiosk to go in front of the metropolitan museum of art (hypothetically, i did not actually design it to go there! just a studio project!). now i am working on a coffee shop in seattle, washington! it's very me! i had an amazing spring break. i went skiing at my grandparents house and failed miserably, but it was still fun. i'm pretty sure that by the end of my time skiing i could go a whole 5 minutes without wiping out.

among lots of school work, christie has spent her time traveling. she went to nicaragua with virginia tech's nicaraguan orphan fund and had an amazing time. she had the privilege of spending time with a little girl that she had met in nicaragua last year.  picture below! she also went to charleston, south carolina to visit her friend caroline! she came back telling me that we HAD to go sometime soon...i would really like to. definitely.


christie and lauren

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Young Life Auction

come one, come all to the online young life auction!  young life (of virginia beach, va), an amazing ministry that shares the gospel of Christ to teenagers around the world, is having an auction. we have donated 4 headbands. please please please bid on them!


christie and lauren