Thursday, May 5, 2011

goodbyes & new beginnings

this week was the best week for our business. this year went by SUPER fast and we can't believe it is coming to a close. we needed to get so much done together for all of our on-campus orders, so each day we devoted several hours to working. but it was SO much fun!

today was bittersweet. we spent a few hours eating lunch and shopping with our senior friends who will be leaving in a week to get married and have real lives (as we say! haha). they took us to this amazing fabric store that is in an old school house. it's so cute. lauren wanted to renovate it and make it into a house so badly. it has many, many rooms of great fabric. we were in H-E-A-V-E-N. seriously, we basically know what it will be like in heaven, because we experienced this place. (okay, so we're only semi serious). so, if you come visit us at VT next semester, we'll take ya there :)

meredith, amanda, and anna: you are amazing women that we look up to. you all are so unique in your skills and craftiness. each one of you is absolutely GORGEOUS in your own way. we just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to hang out with silly little freshmen like us. we don't understand why you would spend your time, especially the last few weeks of your senior year, with us, but we sure are thankful. we are so lucky to have met all of you. keep in touch with us so we can hear about all your grown-up experiences <3 we love you all SO MUCH.

ps if there is ever another tornado at vt, we're totally crawling into the basement of our oak manor townhouse and trapping freshmen with us ;)

hahaha this is our first attempt to take a

isn't this crazy? it's alllllll scraps of fabric. one pound = one dollar. anna was a great little scavenger. she found so much cute fabric for us! thanks so much anna!

we can't believe these amazing seniors are leaving us next year! anyone want to be craft nerds with us next year?

cutest little cafe. :)

we sure are gonna miss these pretty faces all the time!

we love meredith!!!

here are the last round of headbands for the semester! no worries! new summer ones to come! :)

christie and lauren

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