Tuesday, November 8, 2011

countdown...5 more days

alright everyone! there is only 5 more days until the mistletoe market in charlottesville, va! or if you're into math...that's 120 hours or 7200 minutes or 432,000 seconds until our debut at the show. we know tons of people who are traveling for this event, it will definitely be worth your while. the omni hotel of charlottesville will be packed out with many vendors and christmas shoppers! there will be a raffle during the event and we have put a very special headband in for a winner :)

things to look forward to at our table: we will have a portfolio of headbands that you can look through for ordering. everything ordered at the mistletoe market will be ready and made by christmastime. we have LOTS of headbands: all unique, only some have a double. and....WE will be there :) we really can't wait to meet everyone who stops by our table!

seriously. can't. wait.


christie and lauren

1 comment:

  1. So fun! Good luck! I live in Charlottesville and I'll try to stop by :)
